Zen to Pen - Creative Journaling Workshop
Thu, Jul 23
A special 90 min journaling workshop designed to connect, invigorate and spark creativity to add a few tools to your wellness box.
Time & Location
Jul 23, 2020, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM PDT
About the Event
What if instead of asking, how are you doing? We asked how are you processing? In the 2nd of this three part series, this one hour workshop we’ll blend two coping modalities - Tapping and Journaling - designed to calm, release and invigorate.
A quick google search will show you that research and science supports that EFT/Tapping and pencil pushing have profound effects on reducing stress in the body and mind - so let's get familiar with easy ways to incorporate them in real time.
Please join us and EFT/Tapping Coach, Jill Massura, who will lead us through emotional freedom techniques as we take a good look in the mirror and explore how we really see ourselves.
Please join us and Nock Collective for this special evening. Not a writer? No worries! Just show up with your favorite blank page, pen and open mind. Our founder, Jayne Portnoy will guide you thorough easy exercises to make getting words to paper enjoyable and effortless.